The Department Of Economics

First stage, first course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Hussein Ali OweishPrinciples of Economics(1)1
DownloadOdeh Kadem AbdEconomic readings 1 E2
Mohamed HassanDemocracy and human rights3
DownloadNour MuslimArabic language 4
Wassan Maktouf JaweedComputer Principles 15
Raed Faeq HassanPrinciples of administration6
Second stage / first course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Aqil Abdel HusseinMicroeconomic Theory 11
DownloadSafa RabeehMoney Economics2
DownloadNaim Hamid MahoudHistory of economic facts3
Mohamed SabahMathematics for Economists 14
Haider Abed Radinational accounts 15
Ahmed Mohammed Al-Saherhuman resource economics6
Hassan Haboub RazakEconomic Statistics 17
Third stage / first course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Sadiq Zuwer ljlajMacroeconomics 11
Haider Abbod KoriMathematical Economics 1 E2
Haider Abed Radiinternational economy3
Raed Faeq Hassanindustrial economy4
Mohamed Sabah Hassanagricultural economy5
Hussein Attia Hassanenvironmental economics6
Hussein Ali OweishEconomic development7
DownloadMohamed Mays Hatempublic finance8
Sada Saleh AhmedAdministration and secondary education9
Talib Khudair Abdeducational psychology10
Fourth stage / first course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Adnan Muhammad Hassanmoney theory
DownloadRaed Hassan Alioil economics2
DownloadLaith Khalil IbrahimFeasibility Studies3
Haider Abed RadiEconomy Standard 1 E4
DownloadRaed Hassan Alieconomic systems5
DownloadSafa RabeehInternational Finance6
Mohamed Mays HatemEconomic Planning7
Hassan Haboub RazakOperations Research 18
Hossam Malik SalehMethods and ethics of scientific research9
Talib Khudair Abdmeasuring and evaluating10
First stage / second course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
DownloadMohamed Ahmed JabbarAccounting principles1
Karar abd Aoun2 . computer applications2
DownloadAthmar SalemEconomic readings 23
modeh laftaPrinciples of Statistics4
Haider Abbod KoriMath principles5
Hussein Ali OweishPrinciples of Economics6
Second stage / second course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Aqil Abdel HusseinMicroeconomic theory1
DownloadMohamed SabahMathematics for Economists 22
DownloadSafa Rabeehbanking economics3
Hussein Attia HassanNational Accounts 24
Naim Hamid MahoudHistory of Economic Thought 25
Karar abd Aounspss computer programming6
Hassan Haboub RazakEconomic Statistics 27
Third stage / second course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Hussein Attia HassanKnowledge Economics1
DownloadNour MuslimTeaching methods2
DownloadHussein Ali Abdullaheducational guidance3
DownloadRaad Muhammedagricultural policies4
Haneen Qassemindustrial policies5
Sadiq Zuwer ljlajMacroeconomics 26
DownloadSaja Hassanfinancial policies7
Haider AbboudMathematical Economics 28
DownloadMohamed SabahDevelopment policies and experiences9
Haider Abed Radiinternational policies10
Fourth stage / second course
Academic program description formName of the assigned instructorSubjectsequencing
Hussein Ali Oweishmonetary policies1
Haider Abed RadiEconomy Standard 2 E2
DownloadRaad MuhammedEvaluation of economic projects3
DownloadHassan Haboub RazakOperations Research 24
Downloadsara aliEnergy Economics5
Afia Rahimeviews applications6
DownloadSafa Rabeehfinancial institutions7
baida hamidPlanning methods8
DownloadNour MuslimWatch and apply9

Sustainable Development

DownloadPublisherResearch Title
scientific department
DownloadJournal of Modern and Heritage SciencesDiagnosis of people with tuberculosis (TB) using logistic regression model at Dhi Qar UniversityHaider Abbod KoriEconomy
DownloadJournal of Kufa For Mathematics and ComputersPrincipal Component Analysis of Infertility DataHaider Abbod KoriEconomy
DownloadAl-Kout Journal of Economic and Administrative SciencesClassification of poor countries using a discriminatory analysis method based on human development indicators for the year 2016Haider Abbod KoriEconomy
Download Mean Square Rate Estimation of
Repeated Measurements Model
Haider Abbod KoriEconomy
DownloadTurkish journalof computer and mathematics educationBayesian Estimation of the Expected Mean Square Rate of Repeated Measurements ModelHaider Abbod KoriEconomy
DownloadJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & TechnologyAnalysis of the level and Efficiency of Foreign Reserves and their Correlation to the Exchange Rate in Iraq for the period (2004-2017)Sadiq Zwair lejlajEconomy
Int.J.Agricult . stat .sciEstimation and analysis of the effect of some factors on monetary inflation in iraq for the period 2003-2017Sadiq Zwair lejlajEconomy
Downloaduniversidad del zuliaAnalysis of the Relationship between
Indebtedness and Some Macroeconomic
Variables in Iraq
Sadiq Zwair lejlajEconomy
DownloadJournal of Sports Sciences - University of DiyalaThe reality of managing and organizing student activities and their role in the educational process from the point of view of workers in the student activities departments and divisions at the University of Dhi QarHossam Malik SalehEconomy
DownloadEuropean Journal of Sports Science TechnologyAdministrative and financial obstacles to not playing tennis in Dhi Qar governorate
University of Dhi Qar / College of Administration and Economics
Hossam Malik SalehEconomy
int.j.of paychabilititionInterpretation of structural imbalances in the iraqi economy according to the three-gep model of duration(2003-2017)Hussein Ali OweishEconomy
Int.J of peychosocial rehabititationThe knowledge economy is an essential pillar for increasing exports in republic of korea and iraq A comparative analysis for the period 2003-2018Hussein Ali OweishEconomy
Sadiq Zwair lejlaj
DownloadStatistics and Probability
phD Teacher
Hussein Ali Abdullah
DownloadManagement and OrganizationAssistant ProfessorHossam Malik Saleh
DownloadApplied StatisticsAssistant TeacherHassan Haboob Razak
Downloadmathematicsteacherhaider abbod kori
englishassistant teacherrosa salah hasan
arabicassistant teacher muhammad adnan matar
assistant teachermarwa tohma arabic
business managementassistant teacherraed faiq hassan
business managementassistant teacherafia rahim khudair
agricultural economyteacherrafid fattah muhammad
arabicassistant taecherstar kasem hamed
DownloadGeneral EconomyAssistant TeacherHaider Abed Radi

                                                                                                     Dr. Haider Abbod Kori

                                                                                         Head of Economics Department



About The Department                                                                                                                            


            The Department of Economics was established as a nucleus for the College of Administration and Economics with the Department of Financial and Banking Sciences in 2012 to be a true supporter for the labor market with scientific cadres qualified with economic knowledge according to advanced scientific methods. The department grants a bachelor’s degree in economic sciences after completing in success 4 years of studies . a new department of economic been established to provide education directorate by teachers of economy and it’s the first and only one at level of Iraq , and grants the award of a higher diploma in strategic planning, the study period is one year, as well as the introduction of the evening study for the academic year 2018-2019.

The economics department includes a number of teaching staff with a doctorate number (4) and a master’s degree (6), the following academic titles rank of (1) professor, (2) assistant professor, (5) teacher, and (2) assistant teachers .

 On behalf of the Presidency of the Economics Department and on behalf of the teaching staff, we welcome all our dear students and all visitors to the website of the Economics Department in the College of Administration and Economics, Thi- Qar University

We would like to show you that the advancement of the homelands is not by construction alone, but by the development and development of people and raising their efficiency, it is easy to build skyscrapers, but it is difficult and very difficult to build an efficient generation and cadre that will assume their responsibilities and raise the foundations of building their country, so the economics department in our college, like the rest of the college departments, bears responsibility of Preparing and graduating scientific cadres at a high scientific  level academically and professionally to occupy a distinguished position among the departments of the college, the university and other universities through the superiority of its students and achieving first rank at the college and university level and for several of times and some of them qualified to join the master’s study In Iraqi, Arab and foreign universities, despite his young age and short duration, it is indicative of the efficiency of his outputs and the sincerity of his teaching staff in his bid in the fields of science and economic knowledge.

Head of the Economics Department


        The economics department aims in scientific outputs that are efficient with education and equipped with economic knowledge, and qualified human cadres to serve the community and the country.

The Message

          Meet the needs of the market by manual workers and scientific leaders equipped with scientific qualification effectively according to scientific and practical methods and various economic, administrative, accounting, educational and planning specialties to be consistent with its aspirations and fulfill its requirements and needs.


           Providing an appropriate scientific and educational environment and an efficient teaching staff.

Activating the attitudes  and methods of scientific research for teachers and students.

Supplying the public and private sectors with scientific cadres specialized in economic affairs and familiar with its theories, models and strategies.

Holding seminars, holding courses, and writing research and studies for community service.

Contributing to the development of educational and student cadres to raise their educational quality levels.

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